Leading sector, agricultural sector, mining and quarrying sector, government administration sector, defense and social security, construction sector, information and communication sectorAbstract
The leading economic sector is a sector that can accelerate and support regional economic growth and development based on the ability of the sector by taking into account the level of criteria in contributing to regional GRDP revenues. The leading sector as the main sector that is very important in the economic development of a region does not only discuss geographical location but also spreads to a sector in various kinds of economic activities, making it a driving factor for the economy as a whole. secondary data obtained from publications issued by government agencies such as the agency authorized to manage resources in accordance with the main tasks and functions of the contribution of the sub-sector. The method used in this research is the measurement of regional economic structure can be done by calculating each sector calculated, to determine the contribution of each sub-sector of the economic commodity owned by each sector to the total potential of the related commodity
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- 2023-10-22 (1)
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