Income inequality, unemployment, poverty, HDIAbstract
Income inequality is the difference in income generated by society, resulting in striking income differences in society. Income inequality is a problem of income differences between high-income groups and low-income groups. The greater the difference in income, the greater the variation in income inequality. The analysis of the coefficient of determination aims to determine the ability of all independent variables to provide variations in their contribution to influencing the dependent variable as measured by percentages. Based on the results of the estimation of the regression equation in table 5.6, it can be seen that the coefficient of determination value obtained is 0.563632. These results show that 56.3% of the contribution to the rise and fall of the income inequality variable in West Sumatra can be explained by GRDP, unemployment rate, poverty rate, HDI. Meanwhile, the remaining 43.7% is influenced by other variables outside the model.
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